Hotel Reservation: Hotel reservation is not available now, kindly find a hotel by yourself;

2.To further promote academic exchanges, Keynote/Oral/Invited presentations will be video recorded by related staffs from Wanfang Data Co. Ltd if related commitment was signed at the conference spot. Related recorded video will be indexed by Wanfang Database Video Session and only be used in Wanfang Database;

3. The temperature from June 26th to 29th will be 26℃ to 29℃. It may rain, kindly prepare yourself for it.
4. Congratulations: Four Best Oral Presenters from ABS 2017 could get free registration for ABS 2018:
- ABS2036-Hematology and blood chemistry values in ostriches (Struthio camelus) in sub-tropical conditions
S. T. Selvan, Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, India
- ABS2137-Towards a globally valid definition for "natural" food ingredients?
Cremer Dirk, DSM Nutritional Products Europe Ltd., Switzerland
- ABS2242-Engineering the plant cell wall with novel "designer" glycopeptides as a molecular carrier for cell wall-
modifying enzymes
Jianfeng Xu, Arkansas State University, USA
- ABS2199-Effect of Si fertilizers and Si-rich soil amendments on carbon sequestration in paddy soil
V. V. Matichenkov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
5. Selected papers from ABS 2017 have been published in the conference proceedings IOP Conference
Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vol. 77 and indexed by EI Compendex within 45 days..