2016 International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Sciences (ABS 2016)
July 23rd - 26th, 2016, Shanghai, China
Special Session 1: Biotechnology for Biomass Conversion and Bioproducts

Session Chair: Associate Professor Wensheng Qin
Session Vice Chair: Prof. Qing Gu and Prof. Junsong Sun

> Biotechnology for Biomass Conversion and Bioproducts will be an important branch in the field of Biotechnology. Besides, biotechnology for biomass conversion and bioproducts will also provide a new angle for researchers to learn about the plants. In this regard, a special session on Biotechnology for Biomass Conversion and Bioproducts were established. Abstracts being accepted in this special session include, but not limited to the following topics:

Biomass Feedstocks
Manipulation of feedstocks for conversion
Analytical methodologies for feedstock characterization
Enhanced practices for feedstock production and harvesting of biomass feedstock

Pretreatment of Biomass and Fractionation of Bioconversion
Physical pretreatment
Chemical pretreatment
Mechanical pretreatment
Biological pretreatment
Combination of two or multiple pretreatments
Integrated thermal biorefinery

Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Novel techniques for biomass depolymerizing enzymes
Enzyme engineering for improving enzyme activity and stability
Enzymatic cellulose deconstruction
Enzymatic hemicellulose deconstruction
Enzymatic lignin deconstruction
Oxidative enzymes for plant cell wall deconstruction

Microbial Technology for Bioprocess and Biorefining
New biocatalyst development for biofuels and chemicals production
Algal production and lipids extraction
Microbial engineering for consolidated bioprocessing and biomass utilization
Microbial metabolic pathway engineering for novel microbial-based products

Selected abstracts will be advised to submit full papers and get them recommended to SCI/EI indexed Journals.

2016 International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Sciences (ABS 2016)
Contact Person: Lydia Shi
Email: abs@absconf.org   Tel: +86 15300088370